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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reason Behind The Hiatus

Look, I've been neglecting The Weekend Chat a lot and I've come to a conclusion. I want to have a podcast. But I won't do it alone. I'm looking for a co writer or co writers. Which ever happens first I guess. With that said, I'd also like to point out the fact that I just finished the book Beautiful Creatures and I cried. A lot. That's all I have for now. Peace out Girl Scout 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

21 Things to Bingewatch on Hulu & Netflix

     Like most people with wifi or access to McDonald's free wifi, I spend a lot of my time on Netflix and Hulu. Some people spend so much time looking for something to watch and others do it with ease. The shows and movies I spend a majority of my time are --

1) Dear White People (Netflix)
2) Misfits (Hulu)
3) Daria (Hulu)
4) Hemlock Grove (Netflix)
5) Trailer Park Boys (Netflix)
6) Kill La Kill (Hulu)
7) Southpark (Hulu)
8) Daredevil (Netflix)
9) His Girl Friday (Netflix)
10) A Few Best Men (Netflix)
11) The Mindy Project (Hulu)
12) Bojack Horseman (Netflix)
13) The Awesomes (Hulu)
14) Video Game High School (Netflix)
15) Naruto Shipuden (Hulu)
16) The Breakfast Club (Netflix)
17) Stretch (Netflix)
18) The Angriest Man in Brooklyn (Netflix)
19) Bud'z House (Netflix)
20) Law and Order: SVU (Hulu)
21) East Los High (Hulu)

Saturday, September 12, 2015


The movie starring the award winning actors Robert De Nero and Anne Hathaway is about, from what I can tell from the trailer, an elderly man who wants to start working again and applies for an internship to fill the void in his life. His boss is at least in her 30s and she learns from her 70 year old intern, who is popular among the employees. 

At first, the trailer looked like a sequel to 'The Devil Wears Prada' because Anne Hathaway showed up to work looking very business casual/chic and the movie is about an intern (similar to Meryl  Shreep's assistants). 

I cannot wait until the 27th because I'll most definitely be waiting for the movie to start, snacks in hand.
Until next time, peace out Girl Scout 

Friday, September 11, 2015

I Went to See 'The Visit'

think that the PG-13 horror film directed by M. Night Shyamalan was amazing yet a little predictable. Anyone who's seen one of his movies knows that they're full of plot twists and surprises. *SPOILER ALERT* I had already guessed that their real grandparents were dead and the fake ones were lying the whole time. *SPOIL OVER**

Now, Rotten Tomatoes' "Tomatometer" gave them a 63% but I highly disagree with that. The movie was too good to get what would be a 'D' or a 'D minus' in report card terms. Sorry if you don't feel that way, but tough titties says the kitty. 
In conclusion, the movie was 4 out of 5 stars or an 80%.

Until next time, peace out Girl Scout 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I've been looking for a co writer for The Weekend Chat for a few weeks now. If you're interested, comment or email me your contact info and why you want to co write.

Wattpad Faves

Around 2012 or 2013, I started using the Wattpad app on my old, shitty tablet I picked out of Fingerhut. I don't know what drew me to the app, but I downloaded it and started using it almost immediately. I soon fell in love with the authors and books. And I was hooked. Thus the beginning of my addiction to the app now. 

My favorite books on it would have to be:
-"Teenage Love Affair"
-"Reviving Sage"
-"The Boys Next Door"
-"The Attic"
-"After 2"
-"After 3"

That's all I have to write for now, I'll probably write later today. 
Peace out, Girl Scout

Monday, August 31, 2015

Freshmen Year - Day 1

FThis morning, I woke up and checked my horoscope on Cosmo's snapchat channel and they said that I would be inspired. So I decided to continue on with my blog after my short hiatus.Today was my first day of freshmen year. And I don't know if I want to cry, sleep or just be indifferent about everything. I'm going with the latter of the three. 

I woke up at four a.m and didn't go back to sleep because I was hungry. So I channeled my inner Martha Stuart and baked peanut butter cookies from scratch. 

Fast forward to when I got to school. I was recomended for honors English but I can't get my schedule fixed until later this week. FML. 

I go to a big school and one of my biggest fears was getting lost on the first day. But I didn't allow myself to get lost. So I came up with the solution of asking an upperclassman for directions and then hoping that they're going that way so I can follow them until I reach my destination. 

Fast forward a few classes. I had English with some of the people in my homeroom and it felt good to have a  friend or two with me. I asked my English teacher if we were allowed to do a project on a book from Wattpad. 

He said, "No because they're too inappropriate." 

What. The. Fuck?!

Not all of the books on Wattpad are dirty. Now, I can go on a rant about this but I'm not because I'm done writing for today.

Peace out, Girl Scout.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I'm Definitely Going to Cry

Yesterday, I scheduled an appointment to get my hair braided in like an hour and I just want to say that I already know I'm going to cry.

On Wednesday, I'm going to a family reunion and my mom wanted me to get box braids. The reunion is in Myrtle Beach and I want to be able to get my hair wet without coming out of the water looking like I got struck by lightning. 

Now, I know I'm gonna cry because I have a really sensitive head, my hair is really thick and most importantly, I misplaced my aspirin.

Wish me luck. Until next time, peace out Girl Scout. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Shade is the New Black

Everyday, people might toss some shade your way. And unless you like drama, you're not gonna welcome the shade. You're not going to be singing 'My Way' by Fetty Wap. You're gonna throw some shade back at the original shade thrower and before you know it, a fight might break out and I might have to hit sit back and start a conversation about tea. Because that's none of my business. The only good thing that can come out of this is Kermit the Frog sharing his tea with me. 

I just would like to get off topic and give a shoutout to this book I read at least six times. It's called 'Teenage Love Affair' and it's really good. 

I'd like to stay off topic and talk about my non-existing love life. Now, if you've seen Twilight or the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, then you know that it's easy for girls who are slightly average looking to find a guy who look like God took his time making him. But that's only in movies and books. As of right now, I'm crushing on someone but I won't say his name. They're probably reading this right now but don't know it's them. 

That's it for now. Learn the difference between "Wifey" and "Wife" and try not to throw shade. Until next time, Peace Out Girl Scout 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tired of Society

Being a girl today is stressful. If you like Starbucks and Uggs, then you're stereotypical. If you're black but like Black Veil Brides and Pierce the Veil, then you're an emo and an Oreo. If you have long hair and you're black, then people naturally assume it's weave. If you have weave, then you're fake and ratchet. If you're promiscuous, then you're a THOT.  If you don't talk to guys and try too save yourself, then you're a prude and a goodie two shoes. If you like a popular boy band, then you're mainstream. If you listen to indie bands and like coffee from obscure coffee houses, then you're a hipster wannabe and try too hard. 

Men wonder why women aren't at the same place as them, more or less ignorant to the fact that it's their faults. I had one teacher tell me that I was being bossy when I was in a group of boys working on an assignment. The boys were being lazy so I assigned roles. I Had somebody look in the textbook and another boy write stuff down. My teacher, a male in his mid thirties, told me that I was being bossy. If I was a boy, I'd be taking initiative and being a leader. What in the actual fuck makes it okay to have double standards like this?!

Please, comment your opinions and share my work with the world. 
  Peace out Girl Scout 

I'M BACK!!!!!!

After my hiatus, I've decided to continue this blog. I realize that my voice is as powerful as I want it to be and after almost going insane, I've come to the conclusion that I'd like to share my opinion. I want to voice my opinion and I don't care if its 20 people reading this post or 20,000. As long as my voice is being heard, then I'm okay. Today, so many people care about numbers and followers and likes that they start to forget their reason for posting something. There are a fuckton of apps with the purpose of getting more followers. To be honest, I could care less.

Right now, I'm glad to be writing again. Peace out Girl Scout.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

2 Weeks of Insanity

It's been about two weeks since school ended and I don't really have anything negative to say. The last day, I went to a fair and met up with some of my friends. Mystery Guy was there. I've decided that me and him are better off being friends than two people that fall in love and ride off into the sunset on a unicorn. The following weekend, I went upstate to visit my great aunt, who I haven't seen since my grandfather's funeral, which was three years ago. She took me thrift shopping and now I know why Macklemore felt the need to write a song about them. The thrift shop we went to was next door to a gun range, so when I went into the dressing room to try on the stuff, the gun shots scared the fuck out of me. Then, we went into NYC to visit my other great aunt and that's when shit hit the fan. We met my distant cousin, Kathy and she looked really young for her age. Like, she took the whole 'Black Don't Crack' thing to a whole different level. I thought she was in her mid forties. She was in her sixties. 

We had to wait for my aunt to meet us and I got hungry. We walked down the street to get pizza, because in New York, you can't walk five feet without walking into a slice of pizza. It was okay. Like, I enjoyed it because I'm addicted to pizza but I wouldn't go home and say 'I'm not eating anyone's pizza except theirs.

When my aunt showed up, we went back to her house and they cracked open a bottle of wine. And then shit got real.

Both my mom and dads sides of the family goes hard and I'll get back to that later.  

Long story short, my aunt got fucked up, we missed our train, I walked around Central Park, went to a farmers market, and spent the night in Manhattan. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Share Me With the World!

Please share my blog with the world, help me get famous.

My Weekend

     On Friday, my school had field day and I decided not to go. Field day would've sucked left  butt-cheek and I wouldn't have enjoyed myself at all. Instead, I walked to the corner store down the street from my house and got a bunch of bacon egg and cheese sandwiches. They are so addictive, it scares me. While I was waiting for the "sandwich artist" to finish my sandwich,  I was contemplating what I wanted to drink to go along with my sandwich. Did I want pineapple soda? Did I want an Arizona? Or maybe even a bottle of water? I ended up picking out passion fruit juice because it looked interesting and it just caught my eye. I don't know why or how but it did. And it tasted amazing with my bacon egg and cheese sandwich. Like, I almost cried when I finished because I was craving more and more as time went on. I'm a fiend and I'm not ashamed of it.

    I'm writing this post, listening to some pretty kickass music. Some of the people I'm listening to are Childish Gambino, Lana Del Rey, Jeffree Star , Alanis Morissette, Twenty One Pilots, Black Veil Brides, G-Eazy, Cage the Elephant and Zella Day. I'm not trying to make this post about my playlist, but I'm not going to apologize if it comes off like that. The one thing they all have in common is that they don't write shitty music and try to pass it off as art. They make art better with each song  they produce. Back to my weekend, I watched Orange Is The New Black and let me just say that season three is the shiznit. I'm going as Crazy Eyes for Halloween this year. I just need to get a lock and put my hair into bantu knots and that's it lol. I watched Archer on Netflix and I think that if the whole crazy eyes thing falls through, I'm going as Lana Kane. Cowlneck dress and all.
   That's all I have for now. Try something different, watch Netflix and have some "Me Time", you might need it after this long ass school year. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Does anyone know when Crybaby comes out? Comment below.


On Sunday, I celebrated my birthday. It was almost uneventful. I went shopping with my mom on Sunday and on Saturday, I went to 125th street in Harlem with my dad because he was busy on my birthday. We left the house with $100. The roundtrip train ticket to 125th street cost $22 each. That left $56 for clothes and lunch. I get my legs, eyes, smile and crassness from my father. Everything else was either my mom or just me. I look exactly like my mom but I look exactly like my dad at the same time. It's the weirdest thing. I love it and I hate it. I love it because it's proof I'm not adopted but I hate it because whenever we're with family and friends, they always say things like "You look like your mom's twin" or "You're the spitting image of your father." My dad is never afraid to speak his mind. He practically says fuck it about everything. I get that from him. I honestly don't care. Like, for graduation, I want to wear sweatpants, an aeropostale tee shirt and my brown knee high uggs. Like, really, who gives a flying fuck? If anyone has something to say about it, that's their problem not mine. It's really adorable  how some people  feel that their opinion actually matters.

On my walk with my dad, we stopped at a tattoo parlor. He tried to talk me into getting a tattoo of a ladybug or stars or something. He didn't care what my mom would say about it. I did. And I have a fear of needles. And pain. And I want to be and organ donor and a blood donor. He said I didn't have to get one now but maybe later on in life. You should've seen my face. I looked like I was gonna shit a Frisbee.

That's all I have for now. Don't get a tattoo unless your heart is in it, don't give a fuck and plan a day with your dad, father's day is soon. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner

      I'm so happy for Caitlyn. She can be whoever she wants and do whatever she wants. If you think about it, she's sort of like Barbie. Barbie was an astronaut, doctor, veterinarian, dolphin trainer, model, and like five other things that I can't think of right now. I wonder if Caitlyn is going to compete in the Olympics like Bruce. That would be amazeballs to the tenth power plus infinity plus  one. Caitlyn is really pretty. I can't wait for the July copy of Vanity Fair to come out. I want it soooo badly. I'd literally punch my big brother in the throat while he's asleep just to get my hands on it. And I love my brother. Shout out to my big brother, Kevin. He inspires me to not be a douchebag to the people around me. But he literally eats everything in our kitchen. It's weird. He's like a friggin goat. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. Except chitlins. For those of you who are just like "Dafuq is a chitlin?", a chitlin is pig intestine. Yup, it's nasty. And it smells like throw that ass in a circle. Times ten. Plus infinity.

Well anyway, my birthday is on Sunday. I'm going to visit my great aunt in Manhattan for the weekend. I can't wait. I just might vlog. Who knows? I sure as hell don't lol =)
Peace out girl scout..............

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Can you comment how for me

My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My birthday is this Sunday. I'm going to be vlogging this weekend and maybe tomorrow since I'm going to Lake Compounce. Please watch lol

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Who's playing Wonder Woman for the Batman vs. Supeman movie?

Apparently, Gal Gadot is playing my favorite superhero of all time. She was Han's girlfriend, Giselle, in Fast and Furious 6&7. I think they made a good choice. Do you? Comment below.


if you know of some websites that sell Marvel, Dc and Capcom costumes that are good quality and cheap, email me or comment. I'm looking for a Harley Quinn costume and a Fatality costume.


Back to my weekend, Saturday was just waking up, going shopping with my family and my three year old cousin crying because she dropped her McDonalds. I swear, that stuff is like crack for kids. And Frozen. I wonder if the songs in Frozen have some kind of subliminal messages that tell kids that their rebellion will come soon or some shit. I know I'm not the only one.

 On Sunday night, my mom decided to go out and hang out with my dad and aunt. My parents have been divorced since I was a kid Now, they're friends. They hang out and shit and that creeps me out. Good for them for doing their own thing. I'd try to do it but I'd end up throwing steak knives at him until I hit something (you know what I'd aim for lol). Even though my mom forgave him for his actions, I haven't. And I never will. He tried to replace my mom with a former prostitute, forgot my age, was always drunk, told me that I should be in special ed and the list goes on. He doesn't deserve my forgiveness so why should I give it to him?

Well, when my mom left, I tried to get some rest but eventually got back up and stepped on a stiletto and cut my foot. I limped around the house for what seemed like an eternity, only 45 minutes, and came to the conclusion to get a bandaid and clean it. I watch a lot of action movies and I've learned that if you're a screamer, put a rag in your mouth and pour alcohol on it. I did it in my living room, and when my mom walked in she was like "Danielle, this is why I can't leave you alone for over three hours. You get injured, a mess gets made, and you turn my living room into a set for one of those war movies from the 80s!" She ended the conversation by giving me Neosporin and a Tylenol pm. That was the end of my weekend. Don't injure yourself, give your little cousin McDonalds and don't get brainwashed by Elsa and her songs lol. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

Monday, June 1, 2015


  My weekend was a hot mess. Literally. It was at least 90 degrees outside. My last post was about my presentation and Mystery Guy. Yup, it's still a secret. Even though he knows that he's Mystery Guy. Well, he knows I like him. My friends think its weird that I like him because I'm noticeably taller than him. But he's really sweet. We both like superheroes and video games. And he's really funny. And he's cute in a dorky way. But back to my weekend, let's rewind to Friday afterschool.

Because I lost my house keys, I had to walk down the street to my grandma's house. In the same suit I wore to present because I was a dumbfuck and forgot to pack a pair of shorts in my bag. Remember that I look older than I am. The suit made me look older. Not extremely older but I looked like I knew the difference between a 401k and NBA 2k. Try walking past a bunch of 20 year olds who were just like "What the fudge?" But they were in no position to judge because they were 20 and their main form of transportation was a bike. When I got upstairs, my grandma looked me up and down and said "What's with the outfit? You look like your mom." I explained the project to her and she praised me on my hard work. I really wanted a sticker at that moment lol. About fifteen minutes later, my little cousin got home from school. I should say almost sister because to my dismay, that's how close we are. She's in the fifth grade but starts middle school in the fall. We used to argue a lot as kids but she's not that bad now. She's not my fave cousin but I don't want to push her out of a plane in a hurricane anymore.

My mom came over to my grandma's house and my cousin's mom got off of work so we basically chilled out at her house for a while. Later, my little cousin had to go to rehearsal for the play Annie because she decided that she wants to be an actress as well as go to college and work at Kids Footlocker. They have to practice in a laser tag room at my neighborhood's arcade. My mom did my older cousin's hair and put twists in because she has natural hair. But the way my mom did it, she made her look like Felicia from Friday (that's where the term 'bye Felicia' came from). So I started saying Felicia's most famous line which was "Craig, let me borrow your VCR." That caused everyone to laugh extremely hard and my cousin just rolled her eyes but eventually joined in on the laughing. When I had to walk my little cousin home from rehearsal, we past my older cousin and her dad. Their reactions were to laugh at my suit. But my cousin is taking me to that movies tomorrow because tomorrow is a Six Dollar Tuesday at the movies. That's not cheap at all. I hope you feel my sarcasm. I need to finish the rest on my weekend in another post so until I post it, don't forget to pack extra clothes, don't push your cousin from a plane and watch the movie Friday if you haven't already. Peace out, girl scout.

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Suit and The Mystery Guy

For the past three months, I've been working on this project that counts as my entire grade. Basically, you find an issue, find out why it's an issue and how to solve it and sum it all up into a power point for your classmates to see. My teacher said that we couldn't show up looking fugly and ratchet (I paraphrased) and the style we were supposed to wear was business casual. While everyone showed up dressed in Polo, Abercrombie and Forever 21, I was wearing a pant suit. Get on my level. I felt so over dressed it wasn't even funny. But who cares. Anyway, I confronted Bumble Bee and asked for her side of the story. Turns out, she was talking purely out of anger and didn't really mean what she said.

Back to my project, everyone else who presented their projects, their projects were relevant to my generation. They did topics like teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse and bullying. I did affordable and safe daycare. When it was my turn, I was so scared. You should've seen the look on my face. I looked like I was about to shit a Frisbee. But it turned out well. I stammered a few times but other than that, it wasn't completely terrible.

This morning, I spoke to my crush. let's call him Mystery Guy. I've had the HUGEST crush on him for what feels like forever (two and a half years but who's counting). A few weeks ago, I told him that I had feelings for him but he rejected me saying "You're amazing but I have a girlfriend." A few weeks later, he and his girlfriend broke up. We talked a bit after that but it's been pretty awkward ever since. Oh well. Don't over think something, ALWAYs dress to impress unless you're having one of those days where you simply don't give a fudge and tell your crush you like them because the feelings might be mutual. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Death Threats, Stage Crew and Fake Chicks OH MY!!!!!!

Not even an hour after my last post, I received a death threat by this girl I go to school with. Let's call her Bumble Bee. Bumble Bee and I used to be friends. Until one day when I decided that I wouldn't take her crap anymore. We don't really talk unless we need to. A few weeks ago, my school performed the play, Xanadu, and I was a part of stage crew. My job was to do makeup and make sure people got in and out of their costumes without damaging them. I had to do her makeup. Bumblebee has never done her own makeup before so she had no knowledge on makeup whatsoever. She said I made her look like a cheap hooker. I had to put a lot of makeup on her because she's really pale and the bright LED lights we used would've taken away the little color she had. Oh well.

But I have to say that doing stage crew was extremely fun. I love being backstage, its amazeballs. Today, we had the cast and crew party. We basically ate popcorn and munchkins from Dunkin Donuts and watched the play on dvd. It was okay. Until somebody said that I looked preggerz because I have a little baby fat and I'm bloated because I'm sailing the S.S. Crimson Wave. But what's a party without fake and irrelevant people feeling like their opinion matters?     If you want me   to talk about a specific topic, email me or comment it below. Don't die, don't make somebody look like a hooker and NEVER take shit from anybody. Until next time, peace out, girl scout.

What The Fudge Happened to My Right Arm?!!!!

            My day is going so slow. Its like molasses. Mixed with peanut butter. And rubber cement. And a hint of snail DNA. But you get the point. I overslept and I forgot my glasses at home. I'm as blind as a bat. Oh well. Cest La Vie. For breakfast, I had to do a munch and run. Basically, you give yourself a waterfall of cereal and milk and call it a meal. But it was okay because I always keep food with me, to the dismay of my friends and teachers. I really don't care what people think about me. Like, that's your problem, not mine. And so what if you think I'm fat because I always eat. When did society make it so unacceptable that a growing girl wants an extra slice of pizza? Like, seriously. I don't get why I'm not allowed to snack in between meals. And I'm not even fat. I'm a curvy 5'8 girl at 159.2 lbs. This one girl I go to school with always has something to say about me eating. But she's as flat as a board, so fuck her. 

           Then, in science, we had to wear this burlap sling that smelled like 100 pounds of throw that ass in a circle to see what it would be like to have only one arm. Try writing with the hand you normally don't use. It gets irritating. But I made it work. If I couldn't use my hand to hold something, I'd use my sling as a carrying device. So I put my bag of Ocean Spray Craisins in my sling and carried on with my day. I know, I'm resourceful. Wow that made me sound like a narcissist. Thank god I'm not though. That's all I have for now. Don't accidentally chop off your arm, wake up on time and for god's sake, eat something!!! Until next time, peace out, girl scout.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


If you want me to talk about a specific topic, comment it on my blog and 90% of the time, I'll write about whatever you want me to talk about. I value the opinions of my fans and love getting feedback.

My First post on my Second Blog

I can't believe I started a blog. I can't believe that  there are people who might actually read it. My name is Danielle but people call me Danie, or often mess up my name and call  me anything but Danielle. It irritates me to the point of no return. My mom wanted to name me Ivy after the basketball player Alan Iverson, but  realized that kids are cruel and would probably make fun of me. Too bad that Poison Ivy was my second favorite villain next to Harley Quinn. My mom thinks that I'm emo. It's because I listen to bands like Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Emarosa, Pierce The Veil, Blood on the Dance Floor and Panic! At The Disco. Also because I refuse to cut my bangs and apparently I never smile. I think I smile enough. People think I'm often depressed and sometimes, I am. Try being in the friendzone your entire life, being seen as a dork or awkward by your classmates but as "gorgeous" and "beautiful" by people who are older than you. It confuses the hell out of me. I look older than I am, so I get a lot of comments on that topic. For example, whenever I go to Forever 21, people always ask "Do you work here?" or ask things like "Does this come in a larger size?" The hilarious thing is that you have to be 18 to work there so I must look around that age. I'm 5'8 and I'm not shaped like a pencil or the number 1. Maybe that's what confuses people. This being the second blog I started, I know that no matter how many times you tweet or post the link on your instagram, not a lot of your friends will view your blog. I remember when I got 100 views. My reaction was "Take that, Zuckerburg!!!" Yeah, I had a Sir Fedora moment. But doesn't everybody? That's all I'm going to write for now. Peace out, girl scout.