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Friday, June 5, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner

      I'm so happy for Caitlyn. She can be whoever she wants and do whatever she wants. If you think about it, she's sort of like Barbie. Barbie was an astronaut, doctor, veterinarian, dolphin trainer, model, and like five other things that I can't think of right now. I wonder if Caitlyn is going to compete in the Olympics like Bruce. That would be amazeballs to the tenth power plus infinity plus  one. Caitlyn is really pretty. I can't wait for the July copy of Vanity Fair to come out. I want it soooo badly. I'd literally punch my big brother in the throat while he's asleep just to get my hands on it. And I love my brother. Shout out to my big brother, Kevin. He inspires me to not be a douchebag to the people around me. But he literally eats everything in our kitchen. It's weird. He's like a friggin goat. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. Except chitlins. For those of you who are just like "Dafuq is a chitlin?", a chitlin is pig intestine. Yup, it's nasty. And it smells like throw that ass in a circle. Times ten. Plus infinity.

Well anyway, my birthday is on Sunday. I'm going to visit my great aunt in Manhattan for the weekend. I can't wait. I just might vlog. Who knows? I sure as hell don't lol =)
Peace out girl scout..............

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