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Monday, June 1, 2015


  My weekend was a hot mess. Literally. It was at least 90 degrees outside. My last post was about my presentation and Mystery Guy. Yup, it's still a secret. Even though he knows that he's Mystery Guy. Well, he knows I like him. My friends think its weird that I like him because I'm noticeably taller than him. But he's really sweet. We both like superheroes and video games. And he's really funny. And he's cute in a dorky way. But back to my weekend, let's rewind to Friday afterschool.

Because I lost my house keys, I had to walk down the street to my grandma's house. In the same suit I wore to present because I was a dumbfuck and forgot to pack a pair of shorts in my bag. Remember that I look older than I am. The suit made me look older. Not extremely older but I looked like I knew the difference between a 401k and NBA 2k. Try walking past a bunch of 20 year olds who were just like "What the fudge?" But they were in no position to judge because they were 20 and their main form of transportation was a bike. When I got upstairs, my grandma looked me up and down and said "What's with the outfit? You look like your mom." I explained the project to her and she praised me on my hard work. I really wanted a sticker at that moment lol. About fifteen minutes later, my little cousin got home from school. I should say almost sister because to my dismay, that's how close we are. She's in the fifth grade but starts middle school in the fall. We used to argue a lot as kids but she's not that bad now. She's not my fave cousin but I don't want to push her out of a plane in a hurricane anymore.

My mom came over to my grandma's house and my cousin's mom got off of work so we basically chilled out at her house for a while. Later, my little cousin had to go to rehearsal for the play Annie because she decided that she wants to be an actress as well as go to college and work at Kids Footlocker. They have to practice in a laser tag room at my neighborhood's arcade. My mom did my older cousin's hair and put twists in because she has natural hair. But the way my mom did it, she made her look like Felicia from Friday (that's where the term 'bye Felicia' came from). So I started saying Felicia's most famous line which was "Craig, let me borrow your VCR." That caused everyone to laugh extremely hard and my cousin just rolled her eyes but eventually joined in on the laughing. When I had to walk my little cousin home from rehearsal, we past my older cousin and her dad. Their reactions were to laugh at my suit. But my cousin is taking me to that movies tomorrow because tomorrow is a Six Dollar Tuesday at the movies. That's not cheap at all. I hope you feel my sarcasm. I need to finish the rest on my weekend in another post so until I post it, don't forget to pack extra clothes, don't push your cousin from a plane and watch the movie Friday if you haven't already. Peace out, girl scout.

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