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Friday, May 29, 2015

The Suit and The Mystery Guy

For the past three months, I've been working on this project that counts as my entire grade. Basically, you find an issue, find out why it's an issue and how to solve it and sum it all up into a power point for your classmates to see. My teacher said that we couldn't show up looking fugly and ratchet (I paraphrased) and the style we were supposed to wear was business casual. While everyone showed up dressed in Polo, Abercrombie and Forever 21, I was wearing a pant suit. Get on my level. I felt so over dressed it wasn't even funny. But who cares. Anyway, I confronted Bumble Bee and asked for her side of the story. Turns out, she was talking purely out of anger and didn't really mean what she said.

Back to my project, everyone else who presented their projects, their projects were relevant to my generation. They did topics like teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse and bullying. I did affordable and safe daycare. When it was my turn, I was so scared. You should've seen the look on my face. I looked like I was about to shit a Frisbee. But it turned out well. I stammered a few times but other than that, it wasn't completely terrible.

This morning, I spoke to my crush. let's call him Mystery Guy. I've had the HUGEST crush on him for what feels like forever (two and a half years but who's counting). A few weeks ago, I told him that I had feelings for him but he rejected me saying "You're amazing but I have a girlfriend." A few weeks later, he and his girlfriend broke up. We talked a bit after that but it's been pretty awkward ever since. Oh well. Don't over think something, ALWAYs dress to impress unless you're having one of those days where you simply don't give a fudge and tell your crush you like them because the feelings might be mutual. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

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