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Friday, May 29, 2015

The Suit and The Mystery Guy

For the past three months, I've been working on this project that counts as my entire grade. Basically, you find an issue, find out why it's an issue and how to solve it and sum it all up into a power point for your classmates to see. My teacher said that we couldn't show up looking fugly and ratchet (I paraphrased) and the style we were supposed to wear was business casual. While everyone showed up dressed in Polo, Abercrombie and Forever 21, I was wearing a pant suit. Get on my level. I felt so over dressed it wasn't even funny. But who cares. Anyway, I confronted Bumble Bee and asked for her side of the story. Turns out, she was talking purely out of anger and didn't really mean what she said.

Back to my project, everyone else who presented their projects, their projects were relevant to my generation. They did topics like teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse and bullying. I did affordable and safe daycare. When it was my turn, I was so scared. You should've seen the look on my face. I looked like I was about to shit a Frisbee. But it turned out well. I stammered a few times but other than that, it wasn't completely terrible.

This morning, I spoke to my crush. let's call him Mystery Guy. I've had the HUGEST crush on him for what feels like forever (two and a half years but who's counting). A few weeks ago, I told him that I had feelings for him but he rejected me saying "You're amazing but I have a girlfriend." A few weeks later, he and his girlfriend broke up. We talked a bit after that but it's been pretty awkward ever since. Oh well. Don't over think something, ALWAYs dress to impress unless you're having one of those days where you simply don't give a fudge and tell your crush you like them because the feelings might be mutual. Until next time, peace out girl scout.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Death Threats, Stage Crew and Fake Chicks OH MY!!!!!!

Not even an hour after my last post, I received a death threat by this girl I go to school with. Let's call her Bumble Bee. Bumble Bee and I used to be friends. Until one day when I decided that I wouldn't take her crap anymore. We don't really talk unless we need to. A few weeks ago, my school performed the play, Xanadu, and I was a part of stage crew. My job was to do makeup and make sure people got in and out of their costumes without damaging them. I had to do her makeup. Bumblebee has never done her own makeup before so she had no knowledge on makeup whatsoever. She said I made her look like a cheap hooker. I had to put a lot of makeup on her because she's really pale and the bright LED lights we used would've taken away the little color she had. Oh well.

But I have to say that doing stage crew was extremely fun. I love being backstage, its amazeballs. Today, we had the cast and crew party. We basically ate popcorn and munchkins from Dunkin Donuts and watched the play on dvd. It was okay. Until somebody said that I looked preggerz because I have a little baby fat and I'm bloated because I'm sailing the S.S. Crimson Wave. But what's a party without fake and irrelevant people feeling like their opinion matters?     If you want me   to talk about a specific topic, email me or comment it below. Don't die, don't make somebody look like a hooker and NEVER take shit from anybody. Until next time, peace out, girl scout.

What The Fudge Happened to My Right Arm?!!!!

            My day is going so slow. Its like molasses. Mixed with peanut butter. And rubber cement. And a hint of snail DNA. But you get the point. I overslept and I forgot my glasses at home. I'm as blind as a bat. Oh well. Cest La Vie. For breakfast, I had to do a munch and run. Basically, you give yourself a waterfall of cereal and milk and call it a meal. But it was okay because I always keep food with me, to the dismay of my friends and teachers. I really don't care what people think about me. Like, that's your problem, not mine. And so what if you think I'm fat because I always eat. When did society make it so unacceptable that a growing girl wants an extra slice of pizza? Like, seriously. I don't get why I'm not allowed to snack in between meals. And I'm not even fat. I'm a curvy 5'8 girl at 159.2 lbs. This one girl I go to school with always has something to say about me eating. But she's as flat as a board, so fuck her. 

           Then, in science, we had to wear this burlap sling that smelled like 100 pounds of throw that ass in a circle to see what it would be like to have only one arm. Try writing with the hand you normally don't use. It gets irritating. But I made it work. If I couldn't use my hand to hold something, I'd use my sling as a carrying device. So I put my bag of Ocean Spray Craisins in my sling and carried on with my day. I know, I'm resourceful. Wow that made me sound like a narcissist. Thank god I'm not though. That's all I have for now. Don't accidentally chop off your arm, wake up on time and for god's sake, eat something!!! Until next time, peace out, girl scout.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


If you want me to talk about a specific topic, comment it on my blog and 90% of the time, I'll write about whatever you want me to talk about. I value the opinions of my fans and love getting feedback.

My First post on my Second Blog

I can't believe I started a blog. I can't believe that  there are people who might actually read it. My name is Danielle but people call me Danie, or often mess up my name and call  me anything but Danielle. It irritates me to the point of no return. My mom wanted to name me Ivy after the basketball player Alan Iverson, but  realized that kids are cruel and would probably make fun of me. Too bad that Poison Ivy was my second favorite villain next to Harley Quinn. My mom thinks that I'm emo. It's because I listen to bands like Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Emarosa, Pierce The Veil, Blood on the Dance Floor and Panic! At The Disco. Also because I refuse to cut my bangs and apparently I never smile. I think I smile enough. People think I'm often depressed and sometimes, I am. Try being in the friendzone your entire life, being seen as a dork or awkward by your classmates but as "gorgeous" and "beautiful" by people who are older than you. It confuses the hell out of me. I look older than I am, so I get a lot of comments on that topic. For example, whenever I go to Forever 21, people always ask "Do you work here?" or ask things like "Does this come in a larger size?" The hilarious thing is that you have to be 18 to work there so I must look around that age. I'm 5'8 and I'm not shaped like a pencil or the number 1. Maybe that's what confuses people. This being the second blog I started, I know that no matter how many times you tweet or post the link on your instagram, not a lot of your friends will view your blog. I remember when I got 100 views. My reaction was "Take that, Zuckerburg!!!" Yeah, I had a Sir Fedora moment. But doesn't everybody? That's all I'm going to write for now. Peace out, girl scout.