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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Shade is the New Black

Everyday, people might toss some shade your way. And unless you like drama, you're not gonna welcome the shade. You're not going to be singing 'My Way' by Fetty Wap. You're gonna throw some shade back at the original shade thrower and before you know it, a fight might break out and I might have to hit sit back and start a conversation about tea. Because that's none of my business. The only good thing that can come out of this is Kermit the Frog sharing his tea with me. 

I just would like to get off topic and give a shoutout to this book I read at least six times. It's called 'Teenage Love Affair' and it's really good. 

I'd like to stay off topic and talk about my non-existing love life. Now, if you've seen Twilight or the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, then you know that it's easy for girls who are slightly average looking to find a guy who look like God took his time making him. But that's only in movies and books. As of right now, I'm crushing on someone but I won't say his name. They're probably reading this right now but don't know it's them. 

That's it for now. Learn the difference between "Wifey" and "Wife" and try not to throw shade. Until next time, Peace Out Girl Scout 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tired of Society

Being a girl today is stressful. If you like Starbucks and Uggs, then you're stereotypical. If you're black but like Black Veil Brides and Pierce the Veil, then you're an emo and an Oreo. If you have long hair and you're black, then people naturally assume it's weave. If you have weave, then you're fake and ratchet. If you're promiscuous, then you're a THOT.  If you don't talk to guys and try too save yourself, then you're a prude and a goodie two shoes. If you like a popular boy band, then you're mainstream. If you listen to indie bands and like coffee from obscure coffee houses, then you're a hipster wannabe and try too hard. 

Men wonder why women aren't at the same place as them, more or less ignorant to the fact that it's their faults. I had one teacher tell me that I was being bossy when I was in a group of boys working on an assignment. The boys were being lazy so I assigned roles. I Had somebody look in the textbook and another boy write stuff down. My teacher, a male in his mid thirties, told me that I was being bossy. If I was a boy, I'd be taking initiative and being a leader. What in the actual fuck makes it okay to have double standards like this?!

Please, comment your opinions and share my work with the world. 
  Peace out Girl Scout 

I'M BACK!!!!!!

After my hiatus, I've decided to continue this blog. I realize that my voice is as powerful as I want it to be and after almost going insane, I've come to the conclusion that I'd like to share my opinion. I want to voice my opinion and I don't care if its 20 people reading this post or 20,000. As long as my voice is being heard, then I'm okay. Today, so many people care about numbers and followers and likes that they start to forget their reason for posting something. There are a fuckton of apps with the purpose of getting more followers. To be honest, I could care less.

Right now, I'm glad to be writing again. Peace out Girl Scout.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

2 Weeks of Insanity

It's been about two weeks since school ended and I don't really have anything negative to say. The last day, I went to a fair and met up with some of my friends. Mystery Guy was there. I've decided that me and him are better off being friends than two people that fall in love and ride off into the sunset on a unicorn. The following weekend, I went upstate to visit my great aunt, who I haven't seen since my grandfather's funeral, which was three years ago. She took me thrift shopping and now I know why Macklemore felt the need to write a song about them. The thrift shop we went to was next door to a gun range, so when I went into the dressing room to try on the stuff, the gun shots scared the fuck out of me. Then, we went into NYC to visit my other great aunt and that's when shit hit the fan. We met my distant cousin, Kathy and she looked really young for her age. Like, she took the whole 'Black Don't Crack' thing to a whole different level. I thought she was in her mid forties. She was in her sixties. 

We had to wait for my aunt to meet us and I got hungry. We walked down the street to get pizza, because in New York, you can't walk five feet without walking into a slice of pizza. It was okay. Like, I enjoyed it because I'm addicted to pizza but I wouldn't go home and say 'I'm not eating anyone's pizza except theirs.

When my aunt showed up, we went back to her house and they cracked open a bottle of wine. And then shit got real.

Both my mom and dads sides of the family goes hard and I'll get back to that later.  

Long story short, my aunt got fucked up, we missed our train, I walked around Central Park, went to a farmers market, and spent the night in Manhattan.